Streamlining Your Work Day With Synthia — Say Hello To Upgraded Features!

December 12th, 2023

Synthia AI
2 min readDec 12, 2023

Souped Up Secretary

We’ve been working hard on the incoming call functionality for Synthia. People can now call a Synthia Assistant on its phone number and it will perform general secretarial duties such as setting up an appointment, forwarding messages, finding out additional details and much more.

Supreme Personalisation

Our latest update allows you to tailor Synthia’s behaviour to your liking. By tweaking the ‘About Me’ section, users can equip Synthia with information such as their working hours, professional area, and even things like product prices if they’re involved in sales. The information furnished here serves as a robust guide for Synthia to function in a more personalised and effective manner.

Synthia’s Scheduling Capabilities

What about schedule conflicts? Synthia can handle those too! If someone attempts to book an appointment that clashes with a pre-defined one, Synthia will promptly inform them about the conflict (ensuring your privacy isn’t compromised), suggest a new time, or ask for a suitable alternative.

No More Time Zone Complications

We understand that staying aligned with various time zones can be a challenge. Therefore, we have developed Synthia to handle complex timezone conversions. Once you set your preferred timezone in the settings, Synthia will maintain all scheduling within that area, reminding the user of the same and even converting the time for them.

Have any queries or would like to become a tester? Feel free to drop us a message over at:

Read more about Synthia’s capabilities here:



Synthia AI

Synthia🌟 |AI Assistant to make life more efficient, productive & fun | Whitelist for alpha test group open: