AI Assistant to transform how we work and play

Synthia AI is set to streamline our daily routines and reclaim many ‘lost hours’ a week

Synthia AI
4 min readSep 18, 2023

Synthia AI is a whole-life AI assistant with the potential to transform how work gets done and reclaim many ‘lost hours’ a week. It enables users to relinquish mundane, low value tasks and focus instead on the things that really matter. Synthia AI is set to streamline our daily routines by making everything more efficient from automating repetitive tasks, providing personalised recommendations and translating to assisting in decision-making, retrieving live information and creating content.

Some of Synthia’s current capabilities

  • Send/receive SMS and voice calls as well as email a specified address with a context-appropriate subject and body
  • Set up meetings, send calendar invites, obtain a list of events in the diary and schedule tasks to be performed at a later time
  • Perform a host of research-based/retrieval tasks
  • HTML/Web scraping — can retrieve and summarise the textual content of a specified webpage and answer specific questions about it
  • Safe or Scam? — can perform a reputation check on a specified URL to determine if it may potentially be a scam
  • PDF scraping — given a PDF document, can answer questions or perform a task based on the text content for example providing a summary
  • YouTube video answers — given a YouTube video, can answer questions or perform a task based on the subtitles such as writing a short user guide document
  • Create images — with a given prompt can create an image corresponding to the prompt’s subject
  • Each person’s assistant now has its own configurable settings and unique phone number and email address. Users can name their assistant, set their primary language and time zone, and set auto speak
  • Multi-language support

What sets Synthia and ChatGPT apart?

Synthia, currently in early alpha testing, is powered by a variety of cutting-edge large language models (LLMs) including some of the same technologies used by Open AI’s ChatGPT. However, there are differences.

While both are AI language models designed for conversation, Synthia is designed to have a task-oriented approach, has specialised knowledge and is integrated with office tools to assist with administrative tasks and improve productivity.

A few key differences:

  1. Contextual understanding: Synthia is specifically trained and optimised to understand and respond to a wide range of tasks and requests that are commonly encountered in a secretary/personal assistant role. This allows Synthia to provide more specific and tailored assistance in managing tasks, appointments, emails and other admin duties.
  2. Task-oriented approach: Synthia is focused on performing tasks and providing practical solutions rather than engaging in open-ended conversations. It is designed to understand and execute specific instructions or queries related to various productivity-related tasks.
  3. Integration with office tools: Synthia is built to seamlessly integrate with office tools such as email, calendar applications and other productivity software. It can provide support in managing schedules, sending emails, setting up meetings and performing other administrative functions.
  4. Employer knowledge: Synthia has access to information specific to its employer and can leverage that knowledge to provide more personalised and accurate responses. It can store and recall facts, preferences and details about its employer to enhance its performance.

Synthia utilises an innovative proprietary plugin system and has access to a wide range of different APIs and services such as WolframAlpha and Bing Web Search. In an improvement on ChatGPT, the AI assistant can contextually understand tasks and choose which plugins to employ to obtain information from the most appropriate source. It is then able to integrate multiple responses and intelligently formulate them in a single chat window. Synthia AI can answer various queries related to live information, general knowledge, finance, people, places, books, popular culture and more; everything from checking the weather in a given location to finding the best restaurants and getting the spot price for gold.

Photo by Romain Vignes on Unsplash

Multi-language support has also been added and includes English, French, Polish, Spanish, Italian, German, Dutch, Russian and Portuguese. Synthia automatically translates text/voice from one language into another so two users speaking in different languages can seamlessly interact via their AI assistants in their native tongues. In the latest alpha version, the team is currently experimenting with enabling users to interact with their executive assistant via verbal conversations. Utilising the latest cutting-edge AI powered voice models from ElevenLabs, Synthia can answer back in a variety of languages.

Key takeaway: Synthia is designed to make life more efficient, productive and easy for users

Key takeaway: Helps its ‘employer’ arrange their communication channels into a single stream to simplify daily life

Key takeaway: Has contextual understanding and a task-orientated approach

Anyone interested in testing Synthia AI assistant can join here:



Synthia AI

Synthia🌟 |AI Assistant to make life more efficient, productive & fun | Whitelist for alpha test group open: